Mammouth Caves, KY


Nate and I went to Mammouth caves backin the spring of 2003.  It was the first real spontaneous road trip I'd ever set out on, and it was a fun little adventure.

We took off on a Saturday and pretty much just drove until we arrived.  The five hour drive was beautiful and hilly (compared to the cornfields of Illinois anyway).  We found a hotel, checked in, the headed to the park to walk the trails.

The walks and scenery were refreshing.  Even though it wasn't that much further south, signs of spring were cropping up down there, whereas back home, everything was still pretty dismal.

Most of the tours were closed by the time we arrived on Saturday afternoon, so we grabbed some food and returned to the hotel.  We went back on Sunday morning after sleeping in and grabbing some food.  We walked the trails some more and scheduled a tour of the caves.
While the trails were exciting, the cave tour was by far the highlight of the trip.  We went on a tour  lit entirely by lanterns.  The cave was huge, and our tour guide was great.  All in all, it was a fantastic afternoon for two college sweethearts.

We headed back after some dinner, though the drive home took much longer than we anticipated, thanks to getting lost and taking a very unexpected detour.  But we made it back tired, but safe and sound from one of our first (of many) adventures.

Not the hotel we slept in, but I felt it was amusing nonetheless


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