First Trip to Monterey, CA


View from Fisherman's Wharf
I made my first trip to Monterey over Thanksgiving Break back in 2003.  Nate and I had a lot of things to take care of in advance of me moving out, and moreover, we wanted to see each other.  We hadn't time or money for a honeymoon, but when you're moving to paradise, it's easy enough to take a few days off and just enjoy.  So that's more or less what we did.  Of course Nate still had Army duties to attend to, but we still took some time to soak in some of the sights together.

We visited the beach at Monterey a few times, and walked around from there to the nearby parks (which were filled with Canadian geese and koots, which to this day are the most awkward looking little birds I have ever seen in my life).  And we visited the scenic and touristy little shops at Fisherman's Wharf.  I also got a tour of the base, was called Mrs. Davis for the first time, and we bought my all-time favorite hoody (which Nate is wearing below) on this trip.  :-)
The beach in Monterey

Us at Fisherman's Wharf

Nate found Osama
A koot.  Is it not the most awkward, disproportionate bird you've ever seen?
The beach in Monterey


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