Whale Watching in Monterey, CA


One of my favorite things to do in Monterey was to go whale watching.  It wasn't always cheap, but I loved seeing the seals, the birds, the dolphins, the whales.  And even if we didn't see much in terms of aquatic wildlife, it was always exciting to just be on the ocean, feeling the breeze, smelling the sea air.

The ride out was usually a nice way to see some seals and other boaters.  You also got some great views of the coast line.  It usually took about 15-20 minutes to get to where the whales were, but you never knew what you would see on the way.  
On all of my trips out, I have to say I never actually saw a whale breach or jump, but I got to get pretty close to them.  We saw a small school of dolphins once, and saw blue whale, gray whales, and humpback whales.




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