Frankenstein's Castle, Germany


 We visited Frankenstein's castle on New Year's Eve day.  There was a good bit of snow on the ground (by german standards anyway - about 3").  No one was there.  I twas just us and one other American family.  We went with Chris Eide and Adam Varro.

The castle is on top of a hill that over looks either Darmstadt or Dexheim, I can't recall.  The castle itself is located within a nature park, so admission is free and there are no guards, guides or red tape.

We wandered through the castle grounds for a while.  From the top of the tower, you could see for miles.  The floor boards were old with large gaps, and when the wind blew it was difficult to stand (I didn't stay there long!).  There were old wooden ramparts up and tilted windows where you could imagine weapons would be pointed, ready to fire at enemies.  There were remnants of walls and wooden chairs.  There was even an eerie fog and an odd shape in the vinen formations on the wall.

We ended our trip with a massive snowball fight between the guys.  Eventually a truce was declared and we went up by the tower and built a Franken-snowman, complete with neck blots.  Proud, but cold, and a little wet, we headed back home.

Found after the fact:
Frankenstein Castle near Darmstadt: Local legend claims that Johann Konrad Dippel’s ghost along with others now haunt Frankenstein Castle. Johann, is said to be seen most often between Christmas and New Year’s Day sitting on the roof of the chapel. Visitors to the castle have included numerous groups of paranormal investigators and ghost hunters, hoping to unravel the mysteries surrounding Frankenstein’s home.


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