Bonn, Germany


Bonn is about an hour and a half from Wiesbaden by car, and for about 50 years it was the capital of Germany.  Its said to be the 19th largest city in Germany.  It's famous for being the birthplace of Bethoven.

When we arrived it was sunny and 58 degrees - you can't ask for a better spring day in Germany. We  ent on a Monday though, so all of the museums were closed (and the two that were supposed to be open were closed for renovation). We also quickly discovered that the numbers on the map we got from the information center were off. With no clue as to how to find any of the major sights, we gave up and starte walking around.
We still managed to see a few of the key sights.  We walked by two churches, neither of which were open.  We went into the basilica as well, but they were starting a service so we had to leave.  We saw an overlook of the Rhein river and the Siebengebirge (literally "seven mountains").  We also saw the university, the Rathaus, and Bethoven's birth place.  It reminded me a lot of a university town - lots of open grassy areas.  There were also interesting book wagons and even a city book stand where people could take a book and return it for another one when finished.

We ended our stay trying to find lunch, but it was too crowded, so we settled for a wurst stand.  All in all, it was a great day to be out and about, but I probably wouldn't go back.  It was too far to drive for too little in return.


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