Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, CA


Fisherman's Wharf was probably the biggest tourist trap in all of Monterey, but it was also a pretty fun place to visit.  You could walk along the pier and visit all of the little touristy shops, sign up for the fishing and whale watching tours, or just get a great view of the beach and rocky shores.  There's even a little path along the left side of the entrance that leads towards Cannery Row and follows the shore the whole way.

I found that a lot of local wildlife hung around there as well (probably because of all of the fresh fish coming in on a daily basis).  The seals were always at the wharf.  One day I also got to see a sea otter (the emblem of Monterey) enjoying its breakfast there.  You could rarely spy whales or dolphins from there, but other creatures, like starfish, could always be seen clinging to the legs of the docks.  All in all it was a pretty fun place for a visit - and for some Christmas shopping.

I've already posted some pics of the wharf and of our whale watching adventures, but here are a few more snapshots of the animals at the wharf.



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